Sunday, October 21, 2007

Impact Yourself and You Impact Others

As you align yourself more and more with the universe and feel greater harmony you will see how you are impacting others. As you see the new qualities in you begin to emerge you will also notice those same qualities in others. A feeling of serenity will descend upon you like none you have experienced before.

If you begin to love others, you shall receive love in return. If you see beauty in others, they shall see only beauty in you. Whatever you see in others, good or bad, shall be equally returned to you. Remain conscious of your perceptions of the people you encounter and chase away any negative thoughts lest they be returned to you. Treat others with kindness, friendliness, and charm. No matter how frustrating a situation might be or how frazzled you might be feeling, slow down, change the channel on your thinking, sync up your vibrations and let the sizzle and charm surface to the top. It is up to YOU to change the way you think. There is absolute truth in the statement "Like attracts like."

Have you ever been around a person that you feel absolutely drained by the encounter because they are so negative? In the future rather than lower your vibration to match theirs, draw from them in conversation the things that they do want rather than listen to them complain about what they don't want or what's not right in their lives. When they talk about what they do want their vibration will rise and match yours. Thus the encounter will turn into a pleasant one.

If someone treats you unkindly or in a rude manner, wonder to yourself if something happened in their day to cause their unhappiness and become the guiding light to brighten their day with a kind word or action. It will make them feel good and it will make you feel good too.

Little random acts of kindness go a long way to making our world a brighter place to live. How many random acts of kindness can you do in each day. Practice looking for the opportunities to do so until it becomes second nature. You will become like a lighthouse for all others to see and be guided by.

Have an awesome day.
