Monday, October 22, 2007

Teach People How To Please You

Take the guesswork out of what pleases you from others. Let them know what makes you happy. Let them also know what you need from them. There's a difference. You are not trying to control anyone here. You simply know what you want or need and you convey that in a clear, concise way that allows the other person to accept or decline. This is a two-way process so set the expectation that you want to know the same information from the person with whom you are teaching this to.

When you take the time to show other people how to please you, you are taking responsibility for what you need versus making people guess or expecting them to read your mind.

If this is a new process for you the initial reaction of others may be discomfort, disbelief and they may feel you are being difficult or selfish. That's okay. So long as you stay tuned into their sensitivity and refrain from bullying tactics, they will adjust to the new you. They will even respect you for it and probably wish they could be the same way.

Teach others, show others, train others, tell others, inform others of your wants and needs.

You will begin to get what you wanted in the way you want it and feel totally great about it.


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