Friday, October 12, 2007

What is Your Definition of Success?

What makes you successful vs. what makes you a failure and by whose standards are you judging yourself? Stop watching TV. The advertising messages are poisonous to us..constantly pushing us to "want and need" more. Why are we so busy trying to acquire a lifestyle rather than living a life? Why not enjoy all that we have to the point where we are so content that we don't need to change anything. Wouldn't that take a tremendous amount of pressure off our shoulders. Wouldn't that make us feel great every day because the pressure would be gone, replaced with a sense of serenity and calm.

If you had access to an unlimited amount of money when you were first entering the working world what career or job would you have had a true passion for? Why aren't you pursuing that now? Why do we give up on our dreams..what are we so afraid of? Just open the door and say hello to your fear. Embrace it. Shake it's hand. Invite it to sit down with you for a spell. It should already be feeling much more comfortable to you and the paralysis you felt is gone and you can move on. Be selfish and do something just for you for a change.

If you live with happiness and fullfillment flowing from your heart and allow it to pour out through the chimney of your throat you will soon attract into your life the things you truly desire. Try it for a while and see how much you like it.


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