Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Clear Out The Clutter

Clearing out the clutter and making new space will help you on your journey of looking for answers inside of yourself instead of looking outside for them. You don't need to hang onto everything that comes to you. Throw junk mail away immediately. Don't clip a coupon unless you intend on using it that day. Sort through your paperwork one time only, dealing with each piece as you put your hands on it until the task for it is completed.

Clean out your junk drawer. You'll find you don't even know why you saved half of the stuff in there anyhow. And you know in your heart that the magazine or clippings you saved because you are going to do that project one day will never materialize. In this day of technology everything we could possibly want to know about is on the internet and available at the click of a mouse.

Creating space will make you feel so much better emotionally and physically. You will feel the energy start to flow through you again. Your spirits will be higher and your mood euphoric.

Pick something you've been meaning to clear out or organize and spend the upcoming week tackling that. Now really clear it out. Throw away the year's worth of magazines you have been saving. Organize the bookmarks in your Internet Explorer. Thoroughly sort through your clothes and shoes and bag and donate them to a charity. Throw it out, when in doubt. It's liberating.

When you have finished your "clearing" take a few minutes to savor how you feel. Pretty darn good, right! Feel better, happier, clearer and cleaner. Your vibrations are running high and you are attracting more of the same good things.

Turn "decluttering" into a habit and do this exercise at least once a month. More often if needed. You will always feel so much better for having done this. Your life will be free of clutter, your mood will be lighter, your energy levels will be increased, and you will feel energized.

Draw the light to you, not away from you.


Monday, October 29, 2007

When You Can See What's Coming..

When you can see what is coming, you have a vision. It's anticipating what the future trends will be and being proactive so you are in a position to be at the right place at the right time.

Having a vision is not something you have to go looking for. It will find you. And when it does you would be wise to be prepared for it. You don't have to necessarily be the one to implement your vision. You can delegate the "work" to others and be the visionary of the pack. Your vision gives you a starting point from which to have laser sharp focus for your talents.

Keep moving forward even if you discover your vision is shared by others. It's still your vision. Bring it to fruition no matter how long it takes.

Locate other visionaries and associate with them. Remember like attracts like. By hanging around with people like yourself you will learn new skills and ways of thinking that will enhance your own gift.

Currently the largest targeted generation are the Baby Boomers - 10 million of them in the U.S. alone. A demanding generation of people who have been largely accustomed to getting everything they want. What are they going to want to do more of when they retire? I know for fact they will want to travel more. It's a $1.3 trillion dollar industry in the United States already. That's what prompted me to buy my online travel business. That's my vision and I'm ready for the explosion of business that's already started.

What is your vision? What can you do to put yourself in a position to help others and generate an ongoing income for yourself effortlessly?

If you are reading this blog, then you are an open-minded individual who keeps their options open. Kudos to you. Get out there and look for your vision. Remember that You are seperate from your Vision and if your vision becomes a Cause then the two have collided. The vision is now a need and not a healthy place to work from. Keep your vision seperate. Keep yourself seperate. Let it grow and evolve and don't become fixated on it.

Stay steady on your course and we will see YOU at the Top!



Sunday, October 28, 2007

Just Tell The Truth

Excerpt from The Best of Bits and Pieces - - Everyone needs recognition for his accomplishments, and few people make it known quite as clearly as the little boy who said to his father: "Let's play darts. I'll throw and you say 'Wonderful!'"

It is possible to tell the truth to another person in a manner that will empower them. When you phrase things with a positive twist people will be more attracted to you. Care enough about other people so that when you have a need to correct them, you do it in a way that would build the other person up rather than destroy them. It isn't necessary nor beneficial to sugar coat the what you have to say, the value is in being unconditionally constructive. Literally take a few minutes to think before you speak so you are not reacting to the situation. Rather you will be acting after careful thought and the difference will be 180 degrees.

If a person has demonstrated a behavior that is less than pleasing to you, rather than berate, ridicule or crumble their spirit, think about what you would rather have had them do or say and convey that in a way that will build them up. Begin your conversation with a positive statement about the person and lead into the desired behavior you want them to demonstrate. You are being truthful in a way that is encouraging vs. demoralizing. Look for the good in everyone. Use those qualities to your advantage by including them in a sincere manner in your conversation with that person. You will both feel better.

Master this skill your journey in this life will be a more pleasant one. :)




Saturday, October 27, 2007

Creative Power of Thought

Because our power to think is unlimited we are unlimited.

As children we use our imaginations for everything. We know no boundaries and have no limitations. At some point in our childhood an adult begins to punish us for our actions and we are taught the meaning of "no" repeatedly. That sets off a trend to limit us in what we think and do because we are taught that most of the time the consequences of being a free spirit will cause a punishment to be implemented.

Today we live in a society that encourages us to "think out of the box". A contradiction to what we learned growing up! What a mixed message we are receiving.

We know that if we live in the past we cannot move into the future. So we have to embrace the concept of becoming once again a free thinking spirit in order to achieve or obtain the things which we most desire.

It may be necessary to seek professional help to undo years of damage from being told to limit your thinking. You can try EFT, an effective way of quickly tapping into your emotional boundaries and releasing pent up and limiting feelings. This will bring a freedom and peace unlike anything you've had for a very long time.

Like the AA practices you must become aware of people, places and things that contribute to keeping you locked into a cycle of negative thoughts and behaviors. If necessary weed out the negative people from your life and begin to migrate toward and surround yourself with people who are also working to have higher vibrational thinking. Draw into your social circle through your own powerful thoughts other like minded people. You will be amazed at the transformation.

If you haven't already started a Vision Board you are encouraged to do so now. Put on that board all of the things you Desire. Focus on these things every day. Spend a few minutes visualizing them. How they feel, look, smell. Make them tangible in your mind. You may also find as time goes on that things you put on the board no longer carry the same importance as before and you will change them for something else.

Whatever you do keep your thoughts positive, repel any negative thoughts immediately. Exercise. Stretch, shake your arms and hands, touch your toes. Do something different and fun. Blast your favorite songs. Live life large. Enjoy what you have now and keep in your mind always the things that you want to draw into your life. They will come.


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Respect Yourself

When you allow the opinion of other people to have greater value than your own opinion of yourself you lose your self-respect. If you lack self-respect then you are going against what God intended for you. You will feel miserable about yourself and have feelings of anger, anxiety and a host of other negative feelings that you will be carrying about daily. Your vibration will be a low frequency and you will be attracting more of the same negative emotions to yourself.

Recall yesterday I spoke about love conquering all. Love is the ultimate in producing the highest vibration from which to be operating daily to attract all good things to yourself.

If you paint a miserable picture of yourself because of a lack of self-respect then others will react in the same negative way and thus perpetuate the cycle. Often times this lack of self-respect stems from early childhood and countless times of being put down by some unthinking parent, teacher or friends or a combination of all.

Make a conscious effort to forgive those that hurt you and send them light and love. If you have to write down the name of every single person all the way back to nursery school who ever caused you hurt and then say out loud to each one of those names that you forgive them and release them, in order to face the feelings and let them go and gain your sense of worth and value and self-respect back, then do so. It will be liberating beyond anything you can imagine.

Train yourself to see the good in everyone. This will take time to get to the point where you no longer pass judgement on others. Take the plank out of your own eye, before you look at the splinter in another's eye. As you move forward in a new and loving way with thoughts that are getting purer and less jaded you will enjoy greater power of the laws of attraction at work drawing to you the things you deserve. You will find your values and desires and wants changing as the new you begins to emerge.

May your intentions become your realities.


Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Love Heals

The most profound and important universal law is Love. Of yourself and others. Not just any love, rather pure, unconditional love. Love does make everything better. If you are afraid, love can take away the fear. If you are sad, love makes the sadness go away. If you are angry, love can take the anger away. Love really does conquer all.

People who have been diagnosed with life threatening illnesses are completely cured through love and laughter in their lives.

Love accepts everything and everyone just the way they are. When you are in this mindset you will not find fault nor will your ego get in the way. If you learn to accept people for who they are at the present time and love them exactly as they are you will feel at peace within yourself. Stop judging others or trying to change them. The only person we can change is ourself. When you turn your focus onto yourself and learn to like, love and accept yourself just the way you are, after all no one is perfect or ever will be, the more you will begin to see other people in the same light.

Make a written list of all of the things that are good about you. Don't stop writing until you are physically drained. Read every item you wrote out loud. Post it somewhere you can see it and read it every day. Accept all of these good things about yourself and you will increase your ability to change. When you start to change, the people around you will also change.

Keep in mind that those around us do not have to change unless they want to. So stop trying to change them. If you are really frustrated by someone's behavior, weed them out of your life. Why would you want to keep subjecting yourself to bad behavior? Send them light and love and move on.

Life is good. Keep it that way.


Monday, October 22, 2007

Teach People How To Please You

Take the guesswork out of what pleases you from others. Let them know what makes you happy. Let them also know what you need from them. There's a difference. You are not trying to control anyone here. You simply know what you want or need and you convey that in a clear, concise way that allows the other person to accept or decline. This is a two-way process so set the expectation that you want to know the same information from the person with whom you are teaching this to.

When you take the time to show other people how to please you, you are taking responsibility for what you need versus making people guess or expecting them to read your mind.

If this is a new process for you the initial reaction of others may be discomfort, disbelief and they may feel you are being difficult or selfish. That's okay. So long as you stay tuned into their sensitivity and refrain from bullying tactics, they will adjust to the new you. They will even respect you for it and probably wish they could be the same way.

Teach others, show others, train others, tell others, inform others of your wants and needs.

You will begin to get what you wanted in the way you want it and feel totally great about it.


Sunday, October 21, 2007

Impact Yourself and You Impact Others

As you align yourself more and more with the universe and feel greater harmony you will see how you are impacting others. As you see the new qualities in you begin to emerge you will also notice those same qualities in others. A feeling of serenity will descend upon you like none you have experienced before.

If you begin to love others, you shall receive love in return. If you see beauty in others, they shall see only beauty in you. Whatever you see in others, good or bad, shall be equally returned to you. Remain conscious of your perceptions of the people you encounter and chase away any negative thoughts lest they be returned to you. Treat others with kindness, friendliness, and charm. No matter how frustrating a situation might be or how frazzled you might be feeling, slow down, change the channel on your thinking, sync up your vibrations and let the sizzle and charm surface to the top. It is up to YOU to change the way you think. There is absolute truth in the statement "Like attracts like."

Have you ever been around a person that you feel absolutely drained by the encounter because they are so negative? In the future rather than lower your vibration to match theirs, draw from them in conversation the things that they do want rather than listen to them complain about what they don't want or what's not right in their lives. When they talk about what they do want their vibration will rise and match yours. Thus the encounter will turn into a pleasant one.

If someone treats you unkindly or in a rude manner, wonder to yourself if something happened in their day to cause their unhappiness and become the guiding light to brighten their day with a kind word or action. It will make them feel good and it will make you feel good too.

Little random acts of kindness go a long way to making our world a brighter place to live. How many random acts of kindness can you do in each day. Practice looking for the opportunities to do so until it becomes second nature. You will become like a lighthouse for all others to see and be guided by.

Have an awesome day.


Saturday, October 20, 2007

Fear and Love

All emotions stem from two factors - Fear or Love.

All of our negative feelings are generated from fear. All of our positive feelings are sparked by love. If we develop a habit of paying close attention to our thoughts, and initially we may have to do this minute by minute, then hour by hour, until we have the new habit so entrenched we automatically change our thinking, and consciously cancel out the negative thoughts by first acknowledging the fear by saying hello to it rather than pretending it doesn't exist. Then take a close look at the fear, invite it to come in and have a seat. Sounds silly however if you embrace every fear like this you will take away the hold it has on your life. You will be able to transfer that fear into feelings of love thus raising your natural vibration. Fear comes in the form of anger, resentment, seeking approval, hate, feeling rejected, guilt, and feeling burdened. Whichever one applies to you get to the core of it by tracing its roots to your early childhood and then asking out loud for help in releasing it. Do this over and over until the feeling is overcome.

You can use Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) to clear out "old baggage". Learn more about this on Dr. Carrington's website. http://www.masteringeft.com/ To say using this technique is liberating is an understatement. It's life changing.

Perfect practice makes perfect. Keep mindful of your thoughts and actions until you reach a pattern of loving thoughts at all times. Be lightning quick to dispel and repel all negativity from your life. You will find yourself feeling content, happy, joyful and loving all of the time. Your natural vibration will be at an all time high and all good things will be attracted to your life.


Friday, October 19, 2007

Synchonize Your Thinking and Your Feelings

Our thoughts and feelings have to be in complete harmony in order to effect the desired result.

When feelings and thoughts connect it creates our emotions which in turn creates a vibration. If we are thinking one thing and in our heart feel the opposite we generally will get what our heart feels. For example if you think you'd like to be a millionaire and in your heart you don't feel you really do anything to deserve that status, your thoughts will win out.

The bulk of our feelings are at a subconscious level and when we work toward and achieve getting in touch with our feelings we do so at the subconscious level. Our conscious thoughts operate in hope of something in the future or of something in our past. The subsconscious mind deals only in the present.

When we synchronize our thoughts and our feelings we create a vibration that yields peace of mind and delivers to us the things we desire.

Because of the conditioning we have been taught from childhood, for many this will take a concerted effort to reach the harmony of thoughts and feelings and maintain them to create the right vibrations. The end result is peace of mind and a more fullfilling life. You decide how you want to live your life..in a constant state of fluxuation or harmony?


Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Your Feelings

The emotions you feel at any given time are a barometer of your universal energy and what you will be able to manifest into your life. Feelings of euphoria, elation, bliss, passion have a huge drawing power to bring to you the things you desire. Pay attention to your feelings throughout the day. If you want abundance you cannot have resistance or disbelief going on in your mind. You have to believe in yourself and focus on the things you do want rather than what you don't want. Keep the negative words out of your vocabulary. For example rather than saying, "don't forget to stop at the store" you might say "remember to stop at the store". Hear the difference? Feel the difference?

Focus on today and all of the things you can do to improve this day only. How can you make it a happier, fun filled day? What can you do that breaks the routine today? What spontaneous nice things can you do or say for someone else today? How can you raise your energy today?

If you concentrate on making today the best day ever and just living in the moment, everything else will fall into place and the things that you want from the universe will be drawn to you.

Think the thought, take the necessary action, and watch the attraction flow to you. :)


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Add Value and Joy to Your Life

Have you ever been shopping and the salesperson was so incredibly nice and helpful you wanted to let the manager know? How about a restaurant experience where the waiter/waitress gave you such extraordinary service it caused you to leave a tip so large even you couldn't believe it? Experiences like those add joy to your life and the service provided had sincere value.

If you make a conscious effort every moment of every day to treat every person you come in contact with, especially those people we love, your life and theirs will be filled with joy and you will have given the value of your genuine self.

Start reading some self-improvement books and notice the common theme in them. It's all about having the right attitude. Joy and love are the two highest vibrations we can emit and to do so will attract more of the same. Snap out of those negative thoughts by repelling them with instant thoughts of the things that make you truly happy. It may be thoughts of a beautiful sunset, your cat purring, your favorite ice cream, etc. Play your favorite music that transports you instantly into a flood of sound from your vocal cords and live it up a little. Dance..just do some crazy dancing for even a couple of seconds and you will instantly feel better. Go on, try it!

Start your day writing down everything you are grateful for. What a beautiful eye opening experience this is. It's also a tremendous way to begin your day and has a magical effect that everything will go right during your day. :)

Have a self-fullfilling day!


Monday, October 15, 2007

Set Your Sights Higher

Raise the bar regarding what you do for a living and how you do it. Figure out better ways for your customers to use your goods. Become a master teacher by teaching others what you know. The questions they ask you will cause you to continue learning so you stay a master teacher. What is one area of your work that you can improve upon that would make you stand out amongst your colleagues?

Competency is the foundation of professionalism. What are you currently doing that is not necessary and that you can eliminate and fine tune the way you currently do things to be more efficient?

Find a mentor and learn from that mentor. Emulate the traits of the people you most admire - dead or alive. Be selfish and do this just for you.

Set your sights higher and ask the universe to deliver what you need to achieve your desired outcome. Believe it will be yours and watch it happen.


Sunday, October 14, 2007

Improve Yourself Because You Want To Not...

Improve yourself because you want to not because you have to and enjoy the journey along the way. Stop burdening yourself and taking yourself so seriously.

So many times we forget to take ten minutes, half an hour, or whatever amount of time, to just laugh. To feel really, really good inside.

If there is something that needs to get done and you need to get yourself motivated to do it, take a second to ask yourself why you need to get motivated..why aren't you just doing it. If it doesn't feel right or good or spontaneous why would you want to do it?

Somewhere along the pathway of life we learn to give up on our dreams and accept routine as our reality. Remember when you were a small child and you thought you could be anything when you grew up? Doctor, dentist, nurse, pilot, etc. Reclaim your dreams. Elevate your thoughts and repel negativity. Start bringing into your life the things that are really important to you. Focus your attention on those desires every free moment you have and draw them to you. The world really is yours for the taking.


Friday, October 12, 2007

What is Your Definition of Success?

What makes you successful vs. what makes you a failure and by whose standards are you judging yourself? Stop watching TV. The advertising messages are poisonous to us..constantly pushing us to "want and need" more. Why are we so busy trying to acquire a lifestyle rather than living a life? Why not enjoy all that we have to the point where we are so content that we don't need to change anything. Wouldn't that take a tremendous amount of pressure off our shoulders. Wouldn't that make us feel great every day because the pressure would be gone, replaced with a sense of serenity and calm.

If you had access to an unlimited amount of money when you were first entering the working world what career or job would you have had a true passion for? Why aren't you pursuing that now? Why do we give up on our dreams..what are we so afraid of? Just open the door and say hello to your fear. Embrace it. Shake it's hand. Invite it to sit down with you for a spell. It should already be feeling much more comfortable to you and the paralysis you felt is gone and you can move on. Be selfish and do something just for you for a change.

If you live with happiness and fullfillment flowing from your heart and allow it to pour out through the chimney of your throat you will soon attract into your life the things you truly desire. Try it for a while and see how much you like it.


Thursday, October 11, 2007

Live in the Moment

Do you want a better car, better house, better marriage, better job, etc., ..you say yes.. then you sit and write goals and plans for achieving those things you want for the future. The error with that line of thinking is that you cannot control your future. If you take the energy you just expended on creating your goals and focus your attention instead on making a perfect present for yourself and live in the moment, you will more than likely attract a better future rather than trying to create one. The present is our best teacher. Try evolving instead of improving yourself. Stop wishing for something more or better..that's just running away from the present. Accept yourself as you are and focus on what you can do right now. Have you seen the movie Peaceful Warrior with Nick Nolte? Sums it up nicely.

Have a fun-filled, focused-in-the-present kind of day!


Wednesday, October 10, 2007

University of Attraction

Give thought to the word "selfish" for a moment. What feelings are generated inside of you when you think of being selfish? Being selfish doesn't mean you turn into a nasty person with a 'gimme, gimme' attitude or that you are an irresponsible individual or that you focus only on yourself. It's okay and necessary to be selfish. After all, in order to attract stuff, there has to be a you, right? When was the last time you did something just for you? When you receive something that makes you feel good, that's a "want". Wants are selfish and good for you. For the next week focus on being selfish. Don't go overboard and become too selfish or feel guilty about being selfish. Put yourself first instead of others..especially important for co-dependant types of personalities. :)

Sharon Plover